Celebrating the Living Dharma

The Ri-mé Society is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to the study, preservation, and continuation of the teachings and practices of Vajrayana Buddhism.


Gesar of Ling

Epic Hero, Enlightened Warrior, Protector of the Buddhist Teachings, and Dispeller of Obstacles: A Public Talk by Ringu Tulku Rinpoche

Kalu Rinpoche

Niguma was an Indian female siddha (enlightened Tantric yogini) who lived in the 11th Century C.E. She and another female siddha, Sukhasiddhi, were teachers to Khedrup Kyungpo Naljor, the founder of the Shangpa Kagyu lineage. Kalu Rinpoche, the head of the Shangpa Kagyu tradition, presents an introduction to this special Mahamudra teaching of Niguma.

Join us in fostering an environment for a mutual journey into dharma.

One of the unique features of Buddhism is the acceptance that different paths are appropriate for different types of people. Just as one medicines cannot cure all diseases, so one set of teachings cannot help all beings.
— Ringu Tulku Rinpoche
Transparent, naked, awareness
Is whatever is arising in you now.
There is nothing other than this. I have not even a hairsbreadth of practice other than this. So please do not forget it, but keep it in your heart.
— Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche