Gesar of Ling
Epic Hero, Enlightened Warrior, Protector of the Buddhist Teachings, and Dispeller of Obstacles: A Public Talk by Ringu Tulku Rinpoche

Sun of Wisdom Feast
Dorje Loppön (chief officiant and guest) for the practice and feast: Mr. Gesar Mukpo
Vajrayana Students | In-Person Only
The Sun of Wisdom is a Guru Yoga sadhana practice composed by Vidyadhara Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche to his root guru Jamgön Kongtrul of Shechen.
Anyone who has received pointing out instruction from any authorized Vajrayana lineage holder, from any sangha or teacher, is cordially invited.
The Sun of Wisdom: The Guru Sadhana and Feast Offering to Jamgön Guru Pema
Tri-me was composed by Vidyadhara Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche in Scotland in 1967. It is a complete Vajrayana practice, written in beautiful, inspiring and profound verse. This is Trungpa Rinpoche’s devotional tribute to his renowned teacher and the lineage of the Ri-mé (Non-Sectarian) teachings, the full transmission of which Trungpa Rinpoche received from Jamgön Kongtrul. The practice of this sadhana and feast offering is highly evocative of both Jamgön Kongtrul and Trungpa Rinpoche, and of the brilliance, blessings, energy and profundity of this seminal and continuing dharma practice lineage.
✿If you have one, bring your copy of the The Sun of Wisdom. We will provide copies for this occasion for those who don’t have copies. Also, if you have them, please bring Supplication to the Kagyu Gurus, and the following protector chants: Ekajati, Vajrasadhu, the Concluding Request to the Protectors, plus Fulfilling the Aspirations of the Vidyadhara the Venerable Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.

Guhyagarbha and White Manjushri Abhishekas
These empowerments, restricted to Vajrayana practitioners, form the foundation, view and impetus for all Vajrayana practice.

Sadhana of Mahamudra Abhisheka
This empowerment to be bestowed by Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche for this seminal and vital practice introduced by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche is open to all, in the spirit with which Trungpa Rinpoche introduced it himself

Vajrakilaya Abhisheka and Gesar Entrustment
Boulder is blessed to receive Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche, grandson and dharma heir of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. His empowerments of Vajrakilaya and Gesar at Boulder Shambhala Center will happen on Friday, October 20, 2023. They will be restricted to tantrikas who have received pointing-out instructions from a qualified master.

Enlightened Courage: Vital Instructions for the Cultivation of Awakened Heart
The Buddhist teachings identify bodhicitta, “awakened heart,” as the key to awakening one’s fundamental sanity and enlightened nature. It is the cause for being able to fearlessly and genuinely help others and contribute to the world’s well-being. The teachings of The Seven Point Mind Training (Lojong) comprise the principal instructions on how to arouse one’s bodhicitta and enact compassion, penetrating intelligence, and consummate skillful ability in the world. Atisha Dipankara was the 11th Century historical source of these teachings in Tibet, bringing them from Indonesia and India. They form part of the basic foundation, heart, and motivating force of Mahayana Buddhism.

Niguma's Mahamudra
Kyabje Kalu Rinpoche received a traditional education and training in Tibetan Buddhism, and completed a three-year retreat. Since then, he has fully engaged with the modern world. Rinpoche joins the heart of Buddhist tradition directly to the 21st century, making his teaching poignantly relevant to our times. As head of the Shangpa Lineage, Rinpoche travels extensively, teaching the Shangpa Kagyu tradition and establishing practice and retreat centers around the world.
Mind at Ease
This course will engage the remarkably lucid and accessible explication of Mahamudra by Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche in his book Mind at Ease: Self-Liberation Through Mahamudra Meditation. With his incisive insight into the Western mind and his consummate realization of Mahamudra, Traleg Rinpoche combines penetrating clarity in presenting the basic view of Mahamudra with highly practical mediations and contemplations to access its profound meaning. We will engage both of these in this course, combining the view of Mahamudra with its direct practice.
Summary of Past Activities
Guhyagarbha and White Manjushri Abhishekas. Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche Vajrayana Student Empowerment.
Sadhana of Mahamudra Abhisheka. Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche public empowerment.
Enlightened Courage: Vital Instructions for the Cultivation of Awakened Heart. A weekend intensive with Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche.
Niguma's Mahamudra. A Public Talk by Kalu Rinpoche.
Mind at Ease. A Course Engaging the Mahamudra Teachings of Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche
May Confusion Dawn As Wisdom: A Course Delving into the Profound Depths of The Four Dharmas of Gampopa. Engaging the book The Four Dharmas of Gampopa by Kyabgon Traleg Rinpoche.
Faculty: Hazel Bercholz, Bob King, Clarke Warren, John Weber.Milarepa and the Blossoming of Mahamudra: A Course Exploring the Life, Songs, and Teachings of Tibet’s Most Renowned Practitioner and Poet. Engaging the books Milarepa: Lessons from the Life and Songs of Tibet’s Great Yogi by Chögyam Trungpa, and The Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa by Tsangyön Heruka
Faculty: Hazel Bercholz, Reed Bye, Kathleen Gregory, Sarah Harding, and John Weber. -
Luminous Emptiness: Liberation Through Hearing in the Bardo. A Study of the Tibetan Book of the Dead and the Practical Considerations of Death and Dying. (Online)
Faculty: Hazel Bercholz, Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche, Kathy Gambino, Cassell Gross, Andrew Holecek, Victoria Howard, Bob King, Lindy King, Clarke Warren, John Weber.Wisdom Unleashed: Your Path as Padmasambhava. Padmasambhava in his eight classic manifestations, as presented in the book Crazy Wisdom, by Vidyadhara Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche.
Faculty: Sam Bercholz (keynote), Hazel Bercholz, Bob King, Clarke Warren, John Weber, and Jan Wilcox. -
Portals to Realization: The Guru Yogas and Pith Instructions of Khenpo Gangshar and Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche.
Faculty: Hazel Bercholz, Bob King, Cassell Gross, and Clarke Warren.Kalu Rinpoche, Public Talk. What’s Happening on Earth? Environment, Interdependence, Karma, and the World Now
Ri-mé Society Monday Night at the Movies. Buddhist online film festival.
Luminous Emptiness: Essential Instructions for Life and Death. A course based on the book Luminous Emptiness: Understanding the Tibetan Book of the Dead by Francesca Fremantle.
Faculty: Hazel Bercholz, Bob King, Cassell Gross, Clarke Warren, John Weber. -
The Flight of the Garud, by Shabkar.
Faculty: Bob King, Cassell Gross, Clarke Warren.Sun of Wisdom, Jamgon Kongtrul of Sechen Guru Yoga Sadhana and Feast.
Sam Bercholz, The Future of the Shambhala Teachings of Vidyadhara Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, public talk by, founder of Shambhala Publications.
Mid-Summers Day: Riwo Sangcho Lhasang and Picnic.
Wisdom Empowerment of Manjushri, His Holiness Sakya Trichen Rinpoche.
Sparks Will Fly: The Transmission of Vajrayana in the Modern World.
Faculty: Ringu Tulku Rinpoche, Bob King, Greg Rabold, Paul MacGowan, Lama Tenpa, Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche, Sarah Harding, Ken Campbell, Clarke Warren. -
The Sadhana of Mahamudra in Depth: Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Sadhana.
Faculty: Frank Berliner, Hazel Bercholz, Cassell Gross, Clarke Warren.Coemergent Chaos: Taking Turbulence as Practice. A study of Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism.
Faculty: Hazel Bercholz, Cassell Gross, Val Lorig, Bob King, Clarke Warren, Jim Yensan. -
Crucial Advice for Perilous Times: Naturally Liberating Whatever You Meet, The Essential Mind Instructions of Khenpo Gangshar.
Faculty: Clarke Warren, Bob King, Cassell Gross, SpringSun of Wisdom, Jamgon Kongtrul of Sechen. Yoga sadhana practice with feast.
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche, Talk for Vajrayana Practitioners. Co-emergent Wisdom as Everyday Practice.
Jewels from the Profound Treasury. A study of the Vajrayana volume of the Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma.
Faculty: Barbara Smith, John Weber, and Jim Yensan. -
Vidyadhara Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Seminar Videos.
Larry Mermelstein, Public Talk. Chogyam Trungpa as a Young Visionary Treasure Revealer.
Sam Bercholz and Ivan Bercholz, Public Seminar. Essence of Padmasambhava.
Vajrayogini Practice Sessions and Feast.
Mid-Summers Day: Riwo Sangcho Lhasang and Picnic.
Khentrul Rinpoche Jamphel Lodro, Enlightened Nature, the Kalachakra Teachings, and the Spiritual Kingdom of Shambhala.
Public talk: Everyday Life as the Path to Liberation
Weekend 1: The Great Middle Way of Zhentong Madhyamaka
Weekend 2: Kalachakra: The King of Tantras and the Spiritual Kingdom of Shambhala
Mid-Summers Day: Riwo Sangcho Lhasang and Picnic.
Form from Space: A Series of Talks on Creativity, Art, and Language as Spiritual Expression.
Introduction to the Series: The Creative: Open Space, Spontaneity, Primordial Culture, and Us - Clarke Warren
The Theatre of Space - Lee Worley
The Dance of Space and Form: Ikebana and Graphic Design - Hazel Bercholz
Screening of Discovering Elegance, a documentary of the making of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche's Dharma Art Installation at the Los Angeles Institute of Contemporary Art. Discussion following the screening to be led by the coordinator of the installation, Ludwik Turzanski.
Dharma Art: Perception Enjoying Itself - Ludwik Turzanski
Word: Writing as Dharma, Dharma as Writing - Reed Bye
Passionate Creativity: The Dharma of Theater - Peter Goldfarb
Are Translators Really Traitors? - Balancing Meaning and Creativity in Dharma Translation - Sarah Harding
Painting Space: The Brush of Sight, Heart and Mind - Robert Spellman
Bringing Space Home: Drala in the Palm of Your Hand - Agness Au
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche, Public talk. May Confusion Dawn as Wisdom: The Four Dharmas of Gampopa.
Vajrayana Class, Talk Series. Unceasing Thunder: Perspectives on Vajrayana Transmission.
Tania Leontov, “The Vidyadhara in UK: The Early Days, Ati Teaching, and the Foundations of Vajrayana in the West.”
Judy Lief, “Editing Down the Vajra Bones: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma and the Challenges of Presenting Vajrayana to the New World.”
David Rome, “Creating Secular and Spiritual Mandala: Daily Life with the Vidyadhara.”
Jim Yensan, “The Shambhala Teachings and the Imperial Yana”
Lee Worley, “Art as Transmission”
Reggie Ray, “Questions We Have to Answer if Vajrayana is Going to Survive as a Living Tradition.”
Sherab Chodzin Kohn: “Thogal”
Greg Rabold, “Diamond Tapestry: Vajrayana Transmission from the Vidyadhara, Tulku Ugyen, and the Greater Lineage.”
Vajrayana Class: Dancing on the Razor’s Edge: Essential Topics for Vajrayana Practice.
Faculty: Sherab Kohn, Bob King, Clarke WarrenRings Tulku Rinpoche, Public Talk: Openness and Brilliance: Non-Sectarian Buddhism as Global Medicine.
Sam Bercholz, Public Seminar: A Cascading Waterfall of Nectar: A Golden Key to Establishing the View of Awakened Heart and Mind.
Vidyadhara Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Sadhana of Mahamudra Seminar.
Book signing and reading. Taming Untamable Beings by Jim Lowrey.
Sadhana of Mahamudra Feasts: Losar/Shambhala Day week and Parinirvana Day of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, every year.
Video Seminar: Talk on Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche’s Forward & Colophon to Rain of Wisdom, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche.
Vajrayana Class: Ati: Three Words That Strike the Vital Point.
Faculty: Bob King and Clarke Warren